I am grateful that you are here reading this message. If you're here to gather evidence to make a case for my own condemnation, let me tell you why this website exists.
The beauty of my existence here on this website is to show you what salvation through Jesus Christ looks like and what it means to be redeemed.
I am not here telling my story as a way to shed light on what you have done to me and others thereby condemning you. I trust my Heavenly Father, the one true God, to cast the light where He sees fit.
What I am doing here is telling my story, the story of my life in the way that I experienced it and remember it. It has already been made clear in abundance that you and I don't see the things that happened in the same way.
Why would we?
You had plans, you had jobs to do, rules to follow, programming to play out and some of that was even out of your control as you were also, in all likelihood, a programmed slave like I was and also equally, or more heinously, abused than I was. I can say that in that way because I know what I endured and I know what it must take to have created someone like you to do to me what you did.
No normal person under the agency of a loving Father in Heaven would harm children or adults in the ways that you have.
I am where I am with this knowledge because I am loved by my Father in Heaven and He has shown me His power and His immeasurable abilities to exact change in a person.
There is salvation and redemption for you through Jesus Christ who shed His blood by way of a brutal crucifixion perpetrated by those who hated and denied Him. His enduring of this crucifixion was the most unfathomable act of love ever seen.
Yes, love.
While, at times, you called what you did to me and others, love, while many shed blood by your hands too (including me), the love I write about here is a love you have never known but have the opportunity right now to come to know it yourselves.
This love, salvation through Jesus Christ, is a freely given gift of grace and it is waiting for you just like it waits for everyone in this world.
I am here to show you what I have learned and this grace that I am extending to you as my abusers is the exact same grace that was extended to me by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I love you because He first loved me.
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