I have named this website and my subsequent work related to it:
because it is a collective of stories, photos and videos about my journey out of darkness and into the light of God's love.
This website is not about religion nor is it about conversion to a religion or denomination. This is a place to find hope, healing and restoration for you or a loved one affected by trauma, mind control and/or ritual abuse.
For me, before finding the healing that I have, the Bible was a book full of condemnation and even the mention of Jesus' name caused me fear and made me want to run from the person talking about Him. I know I am not the only one who feels that way. As such, I have some things to share from my own personal life that I hope will help you if you have any doubts or questions about God's love for you.
I am here sharing my story because out of everything I have endured in my life, the attempts to destroy my connection to God were, in my opinion, the most (nearly) effective and painful things done to me. Because of that, I am passionate about helping others who have lived through difficult circumstances and are struggling to find a connection to God or who are trying to reestablish a connection to God after being traumatized.
I created this space because I want to show you that it's possible to come from a place of unhealed pain and a sense of inner darkness (created by trauma, addiction, combat, abuse in any form) to finally live in a place where you are safely able to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the foundations of that relationship can be securely and comfortably established without interference from the outside world.
It is my hope that my work here for you will help you find restoration and wholeness from spiritual abuse (a very all-encompassing form of abuse that can include any type of assault on your body, mind and soul) that you may have endured or from any kind of dissolution of your connection to God.
So, THE BOOK OF ELIZABETH is the story of Elizabeth, me, a child of God who was saved by grace and who wants to share how it's possible to go from the darkest depths to live in the light of God.